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JaNuArY finished!

Polymer clay face

Herringbone stitched cording

"Blanket of Snow"

This months tag went by in a breeze, not sure why, maybe because I like the little face in it sleeping peacefully. After struggling with Novembers and Februarys tags I was hesitant to start January, but jumped in full force anyway. I had already picked out the very shiny iridescent fabric I knew I wanted to use for the night sky. It's a very shiny lame material. I made the little face of polymer clay. January tag is called "Blanket of Snow". I love love love snow. Living in California we don't get any except in the high mountains. But everyday I look out my window and see the beautiful snow caps of the Sierra Nevadas just poking in the sky full of that beautiful white stuff. Snow to me is magical and always very very quiet and peaceful. Growing up in Albuquerque we got a lot of snow and memories of full blown snow storms are very vivid. It literally blanketed the city and it's funny how it muffles out all city sounds. I always slept so snug and warm in my bed those nights. Hopefully this reflects a little bit of that. The snowflake pattern can be found on my main Bead Gypsy blog. The snowflakes here however have one more tip added to them. Now I only have December to finish up as well as this months. Hopefully I'm back on my beading 'roll' and beading for pleasure as usual.